Friday, February 15, 2008

Top 10 Up-And-Coming Tech Cities

Where will the next Silicon Valley spring up? Philip Auerswald, professor of public policy at George Mason University, knows where to look. He surveyed regional innovation trends across the U.S. and cobbled a list of up-and-coming tech centers. Auerswald concentrated on specific pockets of science--including advanced materials, nano-crystals and quantum dots, polymers and plastics, micro-systems and cell microbiology--that most experts consider today's most promising frontiers of innovation.

He then looked for important relationships among patents within each one. The most important patents are generally referenced by other inventors in the field when they file for their own patents; lesser patents garner fewer citations. The greater the increase in the number of important patents in a given city, the higher it ranked on Auerswald's list. The results may surprise you.

No. 1 - Columbus, Ohio
ColumbusIn 1997, the Battelle Memorial Institute, Ohio's largest research center, based in Columbus, managed a single lab for the U.S. Department of Energy with an annual budget of $1 billion. A decade later, Battelle oversees seven major laboratories for different federal agencies; budget: $4 billion in research funds annually. The institute has become a force in almost every area of emerging technology, especially life sciences and energy research. One of its children, Velocys, is working on a way to cut the cost of capturing the 3 trillion cubic feet of the world's stranded natural gas by converting it into easily transportable liquid.

No. 2 - Santa Fe, N.M.
Santa FeSanta Fe has plenty of dirt roads. It also has major federal laboratoriesmore within a 100 mile radius than any other city on this list, including Los Alamos Laboratory, the birthplace of nuclear fission and the atomic bomb, and Sandia National Laboratories, a leading solar-energy research center. A growing number of wind and solar energy start-ups have popped up in Santa Fe and Albuquerque, N.M. Blue Energy USA, for example, has created a 6-foot-tall wind turbine in the shape of a spiral helix. The turbines use solar energy cells that allow them to convert both solar and wind energy simultaneously and can be used for residential use.

No. 3 - Palm Beach County, Fla.
Palm BeachThe playground of the rich is also becoming a haven for cutting edge biotech and life-science research. Both the Scripps Research Institute (the world's largest private biomedical research center, headquartered in Southern California) and the Max Planck Institute (Germany's leading life sciences center) are building facilities there. In 2006, BioCatalyst International, a major investor in biotechnology start-ups led by Genzyme co-founder Sheridan Snyder, opened a new office in West Palm Beach to get the first shot at the hottest new prospects.

No. 4 - Houston, Texas
HoustonIf you want a 10-gallon disruptive technology, smash different discoveries together. To wit: Houston's itRobotics, founded in 2002, has developed new cost-cutting robots that inspect a variety of boilers and energy pipelines for structural flaws. Other Houston start-ups are commercializing technologies originally developed at local research institutions. Nanospectra Biosciences, a local drug delivery company, is working on a nano-scale particle (pioneered at Rice University) that destroys cancerous tumors. The particles are injected in the bloodstream and accumulate inside cancerous tumors. When the tumor is exposed to a laser, the particles absorb the near-infrared light and convert it into thermal energy, destroying the tumor.

No. 5 - Milwaukee-Waukesha, Wis.
MilwaukeeGlobalization and poor training may have gutted America's manufacturing base, but stalwart metal-bender Milwaukee is not backing down. Rather than just crank out widgets, local companies are attacking bottlenecks in the manufacturing process itself. For example, Rockwell Automation makes snazzy sensors and controls that boost assembly-line productivity. Johnson Controls, inventor of the thermostat in 1885, has produced energy-efficient heating, air-conditioning and lighting systems running throughout 1 billion square feet of commercial real estate. Chief Executive Stephen Roell plans to expand Johnson's workforce 35%, to 190,000 employees, in the next three to four years.

No. 6 - Pittsburgh, Pa.
PittsburghResuscitated after decades of economic malaise, the old steel town has become an innovative force in such areas as health care, biomedical technology, nuclear energy and robotics. A big help: Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute is making great strides in robot development. The school's Collaborative Innovation Center, funded by Pittsburgh and the state government, has also helped entice stalwarts like Intel and Apple to build labs in the area.

No. 7 - Boise City, Idaho
Boise CitySince the 1970s, chip maker Micron Technology and computer giant Hewlett-Packard, along with the Idaho National Laboratory, had buoyed Boise's technology sector. But now there are new faces. In 2006, Idaho ranked seventh nationally in the percentage increase in venture capital investments and 11th in concentration of high-tech workers. One home-grown start-up, Quantum Point Technologies, provides a suite of information-technology management services to agencies at the U.S. Department of the Interior and regional businesses like Washington Trust Bank.

No. 8 - Iowa City, Iowa
Iowa CityThere's more than corn in Iowa. Like Asoyia. Founded in 2004 by group of 25 farmers, this biotechnology company commercialized a new strain of soybean developed at Iowa State University. Asoyia's soybean is genetically designed to produce trans-fat-free oils. Iowa City is also a hotbed of new technologies in health care and renewable energy. BFC Gas & Electric can generate enough electricity from solid waste in nearby Cedar Rapids to light up 4,000 homes. Fueling the effort: new venture capital and private equity firms that target renewable energy start-ups. Likewise, the government-backed Grow Iowa Values Fund puts up $2 million a year to support the University of Iowa's Centers for Enterprise.

No. 9 - Lake Charles, La.
Lake CharlesSoaring oil profits in recent years have pumped life into Lake Charles' economy. The city's port is the 12th largest in the U.S. and a leading center for offshore drilling and extraction technologies used on platforms around the world. CITGO, ConocoPhillips and other players in the energy industry have expanded operations in Lake Charles, rapidly making the port city a key choke point in America's energy distribution network. The region already boasts one liquefied natural gas facility, and three more are under construction. When those come online in a few years, as much as a quarter of all natural gas used in the U.S. will flow through Lake Charles, estimates the Southwestern Louisiana Chamber of Commerce.

No. 10 - Yuma, Ariz.
YumaThis small desert town in southern Arizona has more prisons than patent lawyers. The local chamber of commerce fishes for new business by hyping the tourist flow from Mexico and heavy highway traffic. So what's Yuma got? The U.S. armed forces. The Department of Defense runs a testing facility, U.S. Yuma Proving Ground, near the city of Yuma that spans over 1,300 square miles of desert terrain. As the primary U.S. site for desert warfare research, Yuma is now the third-fastest-growing metropolitan area in the country, according to its Web site.And where the military goes, so does tomorrow's top technology.

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