Monday, November 19, 2007

1.c - Pricing and Ranking

Paying for AdWords:

The Price
- No minimum spending requirement: 1 time, $5 adtivation fee.
- In a Standard Edition account, you control your costs through: daily budget, bids, account's quality.

Daily Budget: The spending limit you set on each campaign
- AdWords recommends a daily budget
- Ads display evenly throughout the day
- Change your daily budget as often as you like

Bidding: 2 Types of ad campaigns
- Keyword-targeted: you set a cost-per-click (CPC) bid for each ad group or keyword in your campaign.
- Placement-targeted: you set a cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) bidding for each ad group or placement in your campaign. Contains keywords, but displays only at certain locations.

Ad Positioning: Keyword-targeted ads are positioned based on rank number

Ad rank number = CPC bid x Quality score

Actual CPC

Ads ---- CPC Bid --- Quality Score ------- Rank # ------- Position --- CPC
Ad A --- $0.40 --------- 1.8 -------- $0.40 x 1.8 = .72 ------ 1 ------ $0.37
Ad B --- $0.65 ---------- 1 ---------- $0.65 x 1 = .65 ------- 2 ------ $0.39
Ad C --- $0.25 --------- 1.5 -------- $0.25 x 1.5 = .38 ------ 3 ------ $0.01

Quality Score & Minimum Bid
- Quality Score sets the minimum bid
- If your CPC bid is less than the minimum bid, your keyword will be made inactive
- Improving quality is the best way to keep your costs down

Ad Ranking: maximum CPC or maximum CPM & Quality Score
- Ads are positioned based on rank number: Position is calculated per keyword
- You only pay the CPC necessary to have a rank number higher than that of next lowest ad

Thursday, November 15, 2007

1.b - AdWords Policies

Link Policy defines the type of web page to which an ad can link. Its goal ensure a positive user experience.

Display URL: Your URL will display at the last line. It must give users a clear idea of the landing page to which they will be taken.
- Must include the .dot extension (.com, .net)
- www or http:// are not required
- Cannot be an email address
- Must adhere to Editorial Policy

Destination URL: The web page address at which users arrive when they click on your ad
- Must link to a working website
- Must not link to a website that is under construction
- Not require visitors to download software (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Landing Page:
- The landing page must allow the browser's back button to work
- Visitors must be able to return to the Google search results page or ad network by clicking the back button
- A pop-up is any browser widow that opens in addition to the original window
- Google guidelines do not permit pop-ups when entering or leaving your landing page

Affiliate Program:
- Get paid a commission to promote a merchant's website
- Are allowed to use AdWords advertising
- Google only allow one ad for affiliates & parent companies sharing the same display URL per search query
- Your site should not mirror your parent company's site

Editorial Policy: Clear & concise, relevant & trageted to users' interests, reflect GG values & aesthetics, be attention-getting, but also accurate & honest, contain no hidden surprise

- must be correct, except made for someone common variations. [Ex: foto, tonite]

- punctuation should not be repeated 2 or more times in a row
- no exclamation point in first line of ad text (ad title)
- 1 exclamation point in lines 2 or 3 of ad text is acceptable

Symbols, numbers or letteres may not substitute for words
[Ex: 4 U would be disapproved as it means 'for you']

Punctuation: No sign such '-'

Grammar, Capitalization & Repetition
- Logical sentence or phrase with proper word use
- Capitalization cannot be used to emphasize a word or phrase [such as FREE, NEW]
- Capitalization first letter of each word in text is acceptable
- Repetition cannot repeat the same word three or more times in a row

Appropriate & Inappropriate Language
- Ad text, including display URL cannot contain offensive or inappropriate language
- Ad text, including diaplay URL cannot contain suggestive misspellings and/or other variations of inappropriate language
- Keep your language concise, informative ads provide a great user experience & ultimately contribute to your success

Unacceptable Phrases
- Certain 'call to action' phrases cannot appear in ad text
- Not descriptive of the product or service
- Example: 'click here'

Affiliate Policy
- may use AdWords advertising
- only one ad will display for affiliates & parent companies sharing the same Display URL per search query

Google Trademarks
- Not allowed in ad text
- Google, Froogle, Gmail, Orkut, Urchin, Keyhole, & PageRank

Superiative Claims: words that emphasize superiority over others
- For ad credibility, superlative claims must be verified by a third party on the landing page
- If your ad contains comparative or subjective phrases such as "best" or "#1" verification by a 3rd party must be clearly displayed on your website

Competitive Claims
- Competive claims regarding a specific competitor must be supported on landing page
- Comparision chart or table, competitive analysis etc.

- Must be accurate
- Do not need to include shipping or sales tax
- OK if the price applies to bulk purchases

Discounts & Free Offers
- must be visible within 1-2 clicks of landing page
[Example: "50% off all items", "Save $20 on first purchase"]
- free offers must be supported within 1-2 clicks of landing page
- acceptable if user can infer that the product or service is indeed free

Image Ads Policy:
- Regulates the types & quality of images that may be used:
- This topic covers ad & image quality, unacceptable image content & image layout

Poor Ad/Image Quality
- Images must be clear & readable
- Content & purpose must be easy to understand
- All text must be legible

Trick to Click
- Cannot use deceptive tactics:
- No mock animated features (drop down menus, search boxes, etc.)
- No mock dialogue boxes, error messages, etc.

Image Layout
- Size & orientation must conform to our standards
- Must occupy the maximum space of the image format chosen
- Cannot be rotate or inverted
- Cannot show more than 1 ad at a time, or the same ad multiple times

Redundant Image User Bar
- Must not include a Display URL, feedback link, or 'Ads by Google' designation
- Already automatically added

Appropriate Image Content
- Family-Safe (appropriate for minors)
- No adult material, sexual themes, or inappropriate language

- Cannot contain strobe effects
- Do not mimic computer functions
- Don't offer prizes for clicks
- Restrict repetition
- Stay inbounds

Trademarks: A word, phrase, logo or symbol that identifies & distinguishes a product or service from others in the marketplace.

Google's Role in Trademark
- GG is a provider of space for advertisement
- AdWords Terms & Conditions state that advertisers are responsible for their chosen keywords & ad text
- GG performs a limited investigation of trademark complaints as a courtesy to trademark owners
- GG encourages trademark owners to resolve their disputes with advertisers directly

From for US/CAN Trademarks
To file a trademark complaint with GG AdWords regarding a US or Canada registered trademark, you must provide the information below.
1. Name of Comany
2. Contact information, including email address
3. List of trademark(s) at issue & the country in which it is registered
4. The identity of the ad(s) at issue (via the URL stated on the bottom line of the ad) Indicate if your complaint is limited to specific advertisers or if it is a general objection to all advertisers.
5. If certin affiliates or partners are permitted to use your trademark in their ad content, please list the company names in your letter
6. Include the following statement: "I have a good faith belief that use of the trademarks described above with the advertisements described above are not authorized by the trademark owner or its agent, nor it such use otherwise permissible under law."
7. Include the following statement: "I represent that the information in thist notification is true & correct & that I am authorized to act on behalf of the trademark owner."

From for Non-US/CAN Trademarks
1-4 is same like US/CAN
5. Are you concerned with:
a. the advertisement's content or
b. the keywords that trigger the advertisement or
c. both?
6-8 same like 5-7 US/CAN

Where to send your trademark letter
- Google Inc. , Attn: Google AdWords, Trademark Complaints, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 or via fax to 650-618-1499, Att: Google Trademark Complaints

Investigation Procedure: Steps
- All of the points of information are needed in order to start investigation procedure
- The claim will be investigated & ads will be disapproved as appropriate
- There is the possibility that we may not remove the ad(s) as requested after investigation

Copyrights: (Basic information)

Invalid Clicks Policy: include (but aren't limited to) manual clicks intended to drive up advertisers' costs and automated clicks by robots.

Combating Invalid Clicks:
- GG use automatic detection & filtering techniques to monitor all clicks on AdWords ads.
- GG employ a team that uses specialized tools & techniques to investigate invalid clicks.
- Any invalid clicks that we detect automatically are filtered from your reports before you're charged.
- GG constantly works to expand & improve technology.

Indentifying Invalid Clicks:

Valid Reasons for Increase in Clicks
- Indentical IP addresses: Web log shows multiple clicks from same IP, some ISP assign identical IP addresses to multiple users.
- Comparison Shopping: Legitimate reason for several clicks on your ad
- Optimization may be necessary: lots of clicks, low return on investment
- The content network
- Seasonal advertising
- CPC or daily budget increase
- Ad recently approved: If your ad has recently been approved you'll receive more traffic
- Competitor stops running ads: If a competitor's ad stops showing you may receive more traffic

Sunday, November 11, 2007

1.a - Introduction to Google Adwords

Google is the search enhing which helps you find information on the Internet quickly & easily. This engine will gather, sort & report information base on your topic of interest.

1. The keyword phrase a user types into box to find information on the Internet is called a search query.

2. Google Adwords uses keyword-beased advertising to target your ads to users searching on Google.

3. A regular text ad headline has a limit of 25 characters, including spaces.

4. The last line of an AdWords ad is called the display URL.

Basic AdWords Features
CPC (Cost-Per-Click)
You are charged only when a user clicks on your ad
USER ---> AdWords ad ---> Destination website

CPM (Cost-Per-Impression)
Impression: The appearance of your ad on the Google network
- You are charged for every 1,000 impressions your ad receives
- CPM of $3.00: You pay $3.00 every 1000 times your ad is displayed

CTR (ClickThrough Rate)
[Click/Impression] = CTR (expressed as %)
- CTR helps measures relevance
- Example: [20 clicks/1000 impression] = 0.02 = 2%

Quality Score
- CTR on
- Keyword & ad text relevance
- Landing page quality

Minimum Bid
- Least amount you can pay per click to show ads
- High quality score decrease minimum bid & price you pay per click

Ad Distribution:
- AdWords ads appear on hundreds of websites such as AOL, Howstuffworks,, T-Online (Europe), News Interactive (Australia), Tencent (China)
- The placement of your ads on sites in the Google content network occurs when the information on that site relates to your ad.
- Google ads can be targeted to any language or location available worldwide

Benefits of AdWords
1. Reach
- Strong global presence
- More than 80% internet users worldwide
- Thousands of websites where your ads can appear

2. Cost: Control over budget
- No minimum spend
- Choose your own maximum spending limit (monthly budget)
- Pay only when users click on your ad

3. Timing: Connects users at the right moment
- Ads are continously matched to internet users' interests
- Ads are placed as buying decisions are made

4. Flexibility: Make changes at any time
- See your ads on Google in 15 minutes
- Chang your ads whenever you like

Saturday, November 10, 2007

3 Businesses on Google

Google search listings is the first main step, concentrate on building up PR (PageRank). Webmasters attain ongoing success without any advertising by fighting for & retaining a high searchpage position for important keywords.

Google Adwords is the search advertising program. It will increase presence and drives traffic, increasing presence is free, ads appear on the right side or top of search results. Advertisers pay for their ad only when user clicks on it. This program has a quick way to put your site on a results page without necessarily being in the index.

Google AdSense is a method of making money on your site. Web owners in the AdSense program display AdWords ads on their pages & share advertiser payments with Google. The point of AdSense page is to get visitors to scoot off the page by clicking an ad. The ads are supplied by Google, and in fact are the same AdWords you see on Google search results pages. When a visitor clicks one, the AdSense publisher shares the cost-per-click ad revenue with Google. Members in the AdSense program is free to any qualifying page or site.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

A Simple Trick that can double your Adsense revenue

I've been working with Google's Adsense program for a while now. If you're not already in the program, why not take a look at it now at I really like Adsense. It makes me money and it's easy to work with. Just some simple copy & paste into your webpage and you're done. Right? Wrong! You can do it that way if you want. Who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky and get a lot of clicks. But if you're really serious about making a lot of money with the program, you're going to have to tweak it a little.

I've invested quite a bit of time experimenting with the program. When I first signed up, I got some clicks and made a tiny bit of money. That wasn't good enough. I knew there must be a way to get more of my visitors to click on the ads.

Google has a strict policy about not pointing to the ads in any way or asking people to click on them, so there were two things I couldn't do. What else was there?

Then I remembered reading an article once that discussed the psychological impact of colours on the human mind. I started researching everything I could find on the subject.

After a lot of reading, many tests and periods of watching my clicks go up and down, I found the one colour combination that seemed to work the best.

Testing previously done at supermarkets had revealed that the same product could pull more sales from just changing the colours of the label. What were these colours? Red and yellow! The combination of these two colours has an immediate impact on the person who sees them. They make your eyes stop and focus. They pull your eyes right to that part of the page. They grab your attention! I'm not sure exactly why the combination of red and yellow does this, but it does. On one of my sites, I changed my Adsense ads to a bright red border and a yellow background with black text and URL.

My click through rate more than doubled with just that one simple change. That's what worked on my site. Your site's colour scheme may work better with a slightly different colour combination. Try lots of different colour variations. Make a change in the morning and let it ride for the whole day. The next morning, try a different set of colours. Change the border, background, text. Change everything you can. Most importantly, keep detailed records of the colour scheme you used, click ratio and revenue generated.

After you've done all the experimenting you want to, go back to the most profitable one and let it run for a week or so and see how it does. I'm always trying different colours even after my run of good clicks with red and yellow. There are a lot of colour combinations to choose from. You never know when you'll find just the right one.

Reference: by Brad Bahr at

Monday, November 5, 2007

How to Make Search Engines Happy in 3 Easy Steps

1) Follow the Search Engine Guidelines

Nearly all search engines publish their own guidelines regarding the submission of sites, the type of sites they will accept and recommendations for optimized content. Google recently updated their Webmaster Guidelines which cover the most common forms of deceptive or manipulative search engine behavior that they consider to be "spam". They also published SEO Guidelines - advice for webmasters to heed when choosing an SEO. Google was the first search engine to publicly acknowledge search engine optimizers in this fashion.

It's not just Google publishing anti-spam guidelines. You'll find them at the following search engine sites as well:
- MSN Search webmaster guidelines
- AltaVista terms of use (AltaVista is a Yahoo-owned company)
- Yahoo terms of service
- Yahoo guidelines on search engine spam (covering AltaVista and AllTheWeb as well)
- Yahoo definitions of search engine spam (covering AltaVista and AllTheWeb as well)
- Yahoo content guidelines
- AskJeeves / Teoma terms of service and spam policy
- AskJeeves / Teoma editorial guidelines

2) Avoid Spamming the Search Engines

Often, webmasters will use search engine spam techniques without even being aware that they are doing so. Or worse, web designers can - advertently or inadvertently - integrate techniques that could cause a site to be penalized in the site's rankings in one or more engines, without the site owner's knowledge of such penalties. The key to avoiding spamming the engines is research.Keep track of the various search engine guidelines via the links above. Watch for any changes they make to these guidelines and tweak your site accordingly. Trawl the various webmaster and search engine forums regularly to ensure your site doesn't use any of the latest methods that appear to be penalized. If you suspect your site has been penalized, remove the offending content, contact the engine concerned and ask to be reinstated.

Google actually encourage you to file a re-inclusion request via their Help Center and this post by Google staffer Matt Cutts outlines what should be included.

Alternatively, here is a sample email template you can use instead:

Sample Re-inclusion Request Email:

Dear [search engine name],

I am the owner of [your site URL].

I did not realize that participation in [spammy method] and[spammy SEO name] programs could cause problems for my website. I wasassured that these techniques were search-engine-friendly by [your source for using spammy method].

I now understand that the practices used are not acceptable. I apologize for having allowed them to be placed on my website. I've removed the questionable pages and links from the site. I promise not to repeat such mistakes.

I am asking you to please consider reinstating my website,[your site URL] into the [search engine name] Index.

[Your Name]

To assist them to provide a high quality service, search engines encourage people to report search results they are dissatisfied with. If you spot some content spam or techniques that are clearly in breach of the search engine's public guidelines, you can report it using these links:
- Google spam report or via
- AllTheWeb relevancy problem report (AllTheWeb is a Yahoo-owned company)
- AltaVista search results manipulation report (or via Yahoo's spam report below)
- Yahoo spam report
- AskJeeves spam report or via

3) Build Sites for Visitors Rather than Search Engines

The methodologies may have changed over the years, but the same principles have always applied to "good" or "white hat" SEO. Build sites for humans, not search engines. Make the site as user friendly as possible, avoid the bells and whistles and include high quality, relevant content.

Wherever possible, include text-based content and navigation menus with simple, descriptive, well-written copy designed to convert your visitors into customers. Include keywords and phrases your audience would logically type in to search engines to find sites like yours. Only link to sites that are relevant to your target audience and spend some time on usability, making sure all your forms and shopping carts work.

Remember that what pleases a visitor is almost always what pleases a search engine too.

Reference: by Kalena Jordan at

Sunday, November 4, 2007

5 Simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques

The lifeblood of any website/ecommerce business is traffic, and every webmaster knows the best type of traffic is natural, organic search engine traffic. There are two very important reasons for this: (1) it is extremely targeted, and (2) It is FREE! The hard part is getting top ranking for your sites keywords... or is it? The purpose of this article is to provide a few simple, effective, and most important, search engine friendly strategies to help boost your websites' ranking and ultimately your traffic.

1. We will start with the Meta Tags. I know you have already heard of, and are probably currently using meta tags on your site. This is great. I just want to make sure you are using them effectively. We will only go over 2 tags: the "title" tag, and the "description" tag. We will not go over the "keywords" tag, as the major search engines have placed less and less weight on this one, and some would argue this tag has no weight at all. I still use this tag however, as I feel there is some merit and no drawbacks to using this tag.

I have found it effective to use similar text in the "title" and "description" tags, and to place your keywords prominently in these tags (near the beginning and more than once). I have seen sites with "", "New Page 1", or "Welcome to my site" in the "title" tag, which really does not help in their quest for higher rankings for their particular keyword. Also, try not to use words such as "and", "or", or "the" in these tags.

Important note about keywords Search engines evaluate keyword prominence, keyword weight, and keyword density when determining a site's ranking. All three are calculated individually for the page, the title tag, the description tag, as well as other areas on a page. Keyword prominence means how close the keyword is to the beginning of your page. Keyword weight refers to how many times a particular keyword or phrase can be found on the page. Keyword density is the ratio of the keyword to the other words on the page. You do not want the keyword weight or density to be too high, as this can appear to the search engine as "keyword stuffing" and most search engines penalize sites that stuff their keywords.

2. Place your navigational links (and JavaScript) at the right or at the bottom, but not on the left, of the page. When the search engines "read" your site, they read from the top left to the bottom right. Search engines place an emphasis on the first 100 words or text on the site. You do not want these words to be navigational links or Javascript. Ideally, you want to have your "heading" tags with your keywords in the beginning of your page. This being said, placing your links/JavaScript on the right or bottom of your page ensures the search engine spiders get to the text first, giving more weight to what's important on your page.

3. Place alt tags on all of your images. Search engine spiders cannot "read" pictures or images. The only way a spider knows what an image is about is by reading the alt tag. This is also another chance to place more of your keywords in your HTML, improving your page's keyword weight/density. Alt tags are easy to make and they can make a big difference in your sites keyword ranking. A simple alt tag looks like this: alt="put your keyword phrase here." Search engines separately calculate keyword prominence, density, and weight in alt tags as well, so optimize your tags.

4. Place your keywords at the bottom of your page. Just as search engines place more weight on the first words of your page, they also do the same to the last words. The general thinking is this, if your site is about a certain subject, then the main points, or keywords, should, appear at the beginning, be spread throughout the page, and be prominent at the conclusion. But if you have all of your navigational links and JavaScript at the bottom, your relevant page text could end well before the HTML does. An easy way to have your keywords at the bottom of your page is to include them in the copyright information. For example, if you have a dog food website, you could have something like this at the very bottom of the page

copyright 2005 World's best dog food

Search engines are not (as of this writing), penalizing sites using this technique, and it wouldn't really make much sense for them to do so.

5. The Anchor Text of your links. Anchor text is the actual linking text on a site. It is what the user clicks on to navigate to that particular site or page. If a search engine finds many links to your site using the term "dog food", then the search engine concludes your site is about "dog food". This is overlooked quite often, but it seems to have a very large impact on your search engine rankings for a particular keyword. Your anchor text needs to be the keyword or phrase you are trying to target. Try to avoid anchor text such as "Click Here" or ""

Also, if you're running a reciprocal link campaign, be sure to use variations of your text. If an engine notices every link to your site is identical, it could place less weight on these links or potentially penalize your site. This is because search engines generally give more weight to "naturally occurring" links, and less to "reciprocal link exchange campaigns". Using different, but relevant anchor text can dramatically affect your targeted keyword rankings, by making your links appear more natural.

Effective SEO may seem difficult at first, but as you have read above, little tricks that require little or no programming knowledge, can make a huge impact on your website's keyword ranking.

Reference: by Noah Ulrich at

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Selecting & Supplying New E-Business

Idea Phase - First, you tell people about your great idea. They hear the enthurisam in your voice, nod their heads. They've seen you in this condition before and know how it usually turns out.
Decision Phase - Undaunted, you begin honing your plan. You ask questions & shop around until you find just the right tools and materials. When the project is starting you down in your own workshop, you may start to panic, asking yourself whether you're really up for the ask.
Aassembly Phase - Still determined to proceed, you forge ahead. You plug in your tools and go to work. Drills spin, sparks fly, and metal moves.
Test-drive phase - One fine day, out of the dust and fumes, your masterpiece emerges. You invite everyone over to enjoy the fruits of your labor. All of those who were skeptical before are now full of admiration. You get enjoyment from your project for years to come.

Mapping out your online business by
- Looking around
- Making your mark
  • Pursue something you know well
  • Make a statement
  • Give something away for free
  • Find your niche
  • Do something you love

- Evaluating commercial Web sites

  • A big commercial website: Get ideas from big business with big dollars for your own site
  • A mid-sized site: Notice some features that mid-size companies use, such as FAQ
  • A site that's just right: Different kinds of business can launch online goals for you

Flavors of Online Business you can taste test

- Selling consumer products

  • Your products are high in quality
  • You create your own products; for example, you design dishes, make fudge, or sell gift baskets of wine
  • You specialize in some aspects of your product that larger businesses can’t achieve. Perhaps you sell regional foods, such as Chicago deepdish pizza or live lobsters from Maine

- Hanging out your professional services: Attorneys, Psychotherapists, Physicians, Consultants

- Selling your expertise: Search engines, Link pages, Personal recommendations

- Opportunities with technology or computer resources: Computers, ISP, Software

- Being a starving artist without the starving: Host art galleries, publish writing, sell music

Marketing One-to-One to Your Customers

- Focus on a customer segments

  • Get your visitor to indetify themselves
  • Become an online researcher
  • Keep track of your visitors
  • Help your visitors get to know you
  • Make yourself visible
  • Make your site an eye-catcher

- Boost your credibility

  • Document your credentials
  • Convince with must-have information

- Customer to customer contact: Everyone wins

- Be a player in online communities: Be a newsgroupie + be a mailing list-ener

- Add ways to sell and multiply your profits

Easyware (Not Hardware) for Your Business

- The right computer for your online business
- Processor speed
- Hard drive storage
- CD-RW/DVD±RW drive
- Monitor
- Fax equipment
- Image capture devices

Getting Online: Connection Options
- A second phone line
- Beyond dialup

Software Solutions for Online Business
- Web browser
- Web page editor
- Taking email a step higher
- Discussion group software
- FTP software
- Image editors
- Instant messaging
- Backup software

Friday, November 2, 2007

Technics and Tools for Web and Online Business

1. Specify your necessity
- Knowing marketplace: Find out the online culture, chat rooms, webboard
- Visit business website: eBay, Amazon, other online marketplaces
- Take note of ideas & approaches that you want to know
- Analysis 7C: Competitors, Customers, Culture, Cheap, Customized, Convenient, Content-Rich
- Visit indexes: Yahoo, Google to see how many same existing businesses.
- Define what existing biz don't do, set specialized goal for yourself.
- Realize how to do it better [Why later Google is popular than Yahoo?]

2. Specify your products
- Make a list of services/products you want to sale
- How to get that services/products? Create or purchase from suppliers?
- Don't try to do everything cuz medium biz do one thing well

3. Plan your strategies
- Note your business plan why you want to do, what you want to buy & what make you buy
- Note a brief description, draw up marketing plan & keep track of your finances

4. Gather supply & begin store
- Finding host to place website/blog
- Think of all equipment you need/don't need
- Using appropriate software: web editor, graphic, storefront, accounting

5. Look for experts to support you
- Hiring technician: designer, DBA, SA, programmer, etc
- Business partner who is abilities balance your own
- Gathering team members: Learn from case-study such as eBay, Maxwell
[John Moen found some retired teachers to help answer the geography questions that come into this]
- Pick someone who already exhibits experience with computers/internet by résumé

6. Build up your website
- Choose web address [URL] that's easy to remember
- Make content-rich in the site, attract visitors & make them come back regulary
- Explain how the reader will benefit by click, link, explore
- Briefly & concisely summarize business & mission with page
- Establishing a graphic indentity

7. Arrange processing of sales system
- Providing a means for secure transactions
- Becoming a credit card merchant: get ID
- Put shopping cart, set pages "holding area" before purchase
- Provide online form, stating, payment area with SSL
- Safeguard customers' personal information & your business
- Keeping your books straight: record all financial activities that pertain to business
- Make backups: don't lose information you need to do biz

8. Assign personal service
- Share your expertise: other may think not like you
- Make site a go-to resource: not for sales only bu also share useful link/information
- Becoming a super e-mailer: Often check email & respond inquiries immediately
- Use any tools: Internet excels, mailing lists, newsletters but not spam

9. Alert the media & anything else
- Submit site with search engine services
- Reach the entire internet

10. Verify, edit and update
- Taking stock: redid the site, increase the number of giveaways, then traffic rose
- Entrepreneurs have more reasons than making money
- Update content: create contests, strick up cooperative relationships with other business